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Rocket Walk

Rocket Walk 2022

Thursday, May 26 at ATI Field

Rocket Walk is our yearly pledge-based walk-a-thon for students in Pre-School through 7th grade.  Taking place on the day of our annual Field Day in May, students raise funds for our school using an online platform. Rocket Walk raises both awareness of our school — through the sharing of school spirit and the thanking of our sponsors — and critical funds for our program and facilities.

To register, please visit our online giving platform, FundHub, today!

Ready to donate? Do so here at our community share page. As always, thank you for your support and generosity!

Rocket Walk

About the Walk!

In the past, funds raised through Rocket Walk have allowed us to purchase classroom furniture, recess equipment, a Visitor Management System, a wall mounted water bottle refilling station and new technology.

Our 2022 needs include student Chromebooks for K-5, new bathroom stalls in our 4th-5th grade wing, chairs for the Commons, round tables for special events — and items from our beloved teachers’ wish lists.

Every student is asked to raise $60.  Information regarding Rocket Walk has been sent home in our family folders and via NYCU.