First Day of School is August 20th! Click here for Back-to-School Info

815-722-6626 |

Neis E 242

Ms. Emily Neis

5th Grade Teacher

Emily Neis is a graduate of Benedictine University in Lisle. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education with Language Arts and Learning Behavior Specialist 1 endorsements. After graduating from Benedictine University, she worked as a Special Education Assistant for 2 years at Steeple Run Elementary School and provided cognitive skills training at LearningRx in Naperville. Emily grew up and lived in Naperville before moving to Joliet in 2020. She joined the Cathedral of Saint Raymond staff in 2020 as a 3rd grade teacher and transitioned to teaching 5th grade in 2021. Emily’s hobbies include reading, scrapbooking, watching classic movies, attending concerts, camping and hiking. She also enjoys spending time with her dog, her parents, and 3 siblings.